Editorial Stock Images
Give a cutting-edge stock media platform a brand new look and feel.
Our Role

Creative Direction

Visual Identity

Front-end Website Design

Back-End Membership Platform Design

Front-End Website Development

"Working with Alex and HMS has been a long journey for us as we have been navigating a very exciting but tedious new project for ESI. We knew Alex would be able to bring that editorial vibe for us and she did not disappoint. Alex has been so amazing to work with, she is flexible and understanding and her team has been extremely patient with our timeline. Their communication and support has been 10/10 and the end results were everything we wanted and more! We can't wait to showcase everything they helped us create. We even worked with them on a podcast graphic which we love so much! Alex truly has an eye for design that stands out! Thank you Alex and the HMS team <3 "
Tina & Jordan, Founders
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